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Author: Jeremy Raglin

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Portland Oregon Among 10 Best Cities For Gen Z

Planning on moving to Portland, Oregon? If you’re part of Gen Z, you’re probably wondering if the PDX area offers you everything that you’re searching for. The answer to this question is yes! Portland offers all of the things that you’re looking for including great restaurants, breweries, entertainment options, things to do and more. Portland…
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Effective Strategies for Managing Difficult Tenants

Managing rental properties can be rewarding, but it comes with challenges, especially when dealing with difficult tenants. Effectively handling these situations is crucial for maintaining a harmonious living environment and protecting your investment. Failure to do so can lead to tenant dissatisfaction, property damage, and potential legal issues. Here are some strategies to help property…
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Top 10 Tips for Effective Property Management

Effective property management is crucial for landlords and managers who aim to maximize their investment returns, maintain property value, and ensure tenant satisfaction. Whether you are managing residential or commercial properties, here are the top 10 tips to help you manage your properties effectively. Screen Tenants Thoroughly The foundation of effective property management starts with…
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Property Maintenance Best Practices: Keeping Your Investment in Top Shape

Investing in real estate can be lucrative, but maintaining a property requires continuous effort and strategic planning. Proper maintenance not only preserves the value of your investment but also ensures the safety and satisfaction of your tenants. Here are some best practices for keeping your property in top shape. Routine Inspections Routine inspections are not…
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How to Handle Maintenance Requests Efficiently

Handling maintenance requests efficiently is crucial for landlords aiming to maintain good relationships with tenants and ensure the longevity of their properties. Here’s a guide to streamlining your maintenance process: Establish a Clear System Create a standardized process for tenants to submit maintenance requests. Use an online portal or a dedicated email address to ensure…
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Affordable Smart Home Technology for Rental Properties In Portland Oregon

As the world rapidly evolves, so does the property management landscape in Portland, Oregon. One of the most significant advancements benefiting both property managers and tenants is the advent of smart home technology. Once considered a luxury, smart home devices have now become increasingly affordable and accessible, making them a practical and feasible investment for…
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Portland tenant turnover

Tips for reducing tenant turnover

  Reducing tenant turnover is not just a goal, but a financial advantage for property managers and landlords. It saves the costs associated with finding new tenants, minimizes vacancy periods, and maintains a stable rental income. Here are some effective strategies to keep tenants happy and encourage them to renew their leases, all of which…
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property management fees

Are property management fees tax deductible?

Property management fees, a common expense for landlords and real estate investors, can significantly impact the profitability of property investments. However, understanding the tax implications of these fees can empower property owners, as they are generally tax-deductible, offering a valuable opportunity to reduce taxable income and increase overall investment returns. What Are Property Management Fees?…
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property managers

Top Things Property Managers Do to Simplify Real Estate Investors’ Lives

Property managers, the unsung heroes of real estate investment, are the ones who deftly handle the intricate tapestry of day-to-day operations, tenant relations, and financial management. Their pivotal role ensures the seamless functioning of properties, relieving real estate investors from the burdens of these tasks and enhancing their overall investment experience. For instance, property managers…
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Portland Rental Market Update – May 2024

Are you planning on investing in properties in the Portland Rental Market? If so, you’ve come to the right place! The local rental market has seen it’s share of ups and downs in recent years but the big question is how is the rental market doing now? In this article, we will offer you a…
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