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Tag: tenant retention tips

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Portland tenant turnover

Tips for reducing tenant turnover

  Reducing tenant turnover is not just a goal, but a financial advantage for property managers and landlords. It saves the costs associated with finding new tenants, minimizes vacancy periods, and maintains a stable rental income. Here are some effective strategies to keep tenants happy and encourage them to renew their leases, all of which…
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Tips for keeping great tenants

Are you searching for tenant retention tips? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Tenant retention is one of the keys to success with owning a rental property because the longer that you can keep great tenants, the more successful you will be with having a rental property that produces great ROI. In this…
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tenant retention tips

Top tenant retention tips for 2023-2024

Tenant retention is the key to success with owning rental properties because of one simple reasons, it’s easier to keep a long-term tenant happy vs. searching for a new tenant every 12 months. If you’re searching for strategies for keeping your tenants for the long term, this article will offer you several tenant retention tips…
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